Back to 10 years ago, building a website would cost you a lot. And you can’t establish the website by yourself if you don’t have anything knowledge of code.
Today, anyone is able to have a website by using WordPress or other open-source programs. But it seems like no one is interested in having a website anymore. That because many platforms can be used to put your activities on it.
Then why you still need a personal website?
Data is safer
If you choose a third-party platform to save your data. When they somehow shut down their service, your data will be gone. Well, at least you need to find another place to store them. And before that, you have to put them in order. That is not easier than building a website.
If you have your own platform to keep your article, picture,s, etc. Although you still need to rent a server keeping your database, it’s easy to backup and move. You can even download it to your computer.
You can be your self
You must have this experience: when you said something not positive, you’d get a warning from the platform. Even worse, they might seal your account for good.
On your own website, you’re the god. You can say whatever you want to say. But not too much which I strongly suggest you do. Because that might cause a bigger problem than seal your website.
Your website is the center of your Social media
If you’re a professional, you probably have a LinkedIn account. Usually, you won’t post any message relating to your pets. All that kind of message you’ll post on Facebook. If I have willing to get to know you, I mean all of you, not just part of your life, I have to switch between two platforms.
On your own website, you’re a complete person. I can find any information about you. What kind of music do you like, which book are you reading recently, what’s your next plan to travel.
You can still post your message to another platform, people will easily find all of your information in one place.
People use the app more often than go to the website nowadays because of the mobile phone. But if you use HTML5 on your website, it will be shown well on your phone. It will be cool when you give your friends your website link and tell them this is your electronic name card.
Anyway, I have been thinking to establish a website many years ago, today is the day.
Robert Freeman
Robert Freeman was born in a small city in China on January 26th, 1982. He lives and works in Tianjin City now. He's still single, waiting for the right girl into his life.